Welcome to xpand ai

"What if everyone had a coach at their side?"
Discover the future of personal and professional development on our AI platform, based on technologies from OpenAI with GDPR compliance.

Your Coach

A safe space for personal and professional development.

Decision finder

A guide through the tetralemma process for clear decisions.

Meeting rule generator

Recognises and establishes productive meeting rules.

DNA 4.0 Game

Helps to shape the culture of your organisation.

Good Mails

Supports you with clear and empathetic communication.

Good OKRs

Helps you define and achieve your goals.

Skill Defoliator

Supports you in developing your motivational skills.

Purpose Finder

Your navigator through the world of Holacracy and the Loop Approach.
and many more...

    Tailored Assistants

    We develop customised assistants for you that intelligently network your data (from €500).

    Many Assistants

    Numerous assistants support you - from coaching to effective communication.

    Open to technology

    All Plus subscriptions include access to the leading LLMs from providers such as Anthropic, Google, Meta, OpenAI, etc.

    Data Security

    Your data remains your data. Based on a direct data processing agreement between xpand and OpenAI, we can ensure GDPR compliance (learn more).

    Try out Coach Xavier. Free of charge!

    One of our many GPT assistants.

    Test now free of charge

    AI Assist



    Perfect for starting with ready-made assistants by xpand.

    • > 15 assistants that make everyday life in the office easier. And the number is growing.

    • Access to the latest language models (Open AI's GPT-4o)

    • No training of the AI with your data

    • Monthly cancellable

    • 1 free month with the voucher "OneFree"

    Try AI Assist

    AI Assist Plus



    For those who want to get creative themselves. Like AI Assist, but with the addition...

    • Generate your own assistants and prompts

    • Generate your own images with Dall-E3 HD

    • 1 free month with the voucher "OneFree"

    Try AI Assist Plus

    Consultant Assist Plus



    The potential of GPT for consultants and moderators. Like Consultant Assist, but additionally ...

    • Generate your own assistants and prompts

    • Generate your own images with Dall-E3 HD

    • Use of the best alternative language models from Anthropic, Google, Meta etc.

    Buy Consultant Assist Plus